Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tenses and Conjunction

Pada post kali ini penulis ingin membagikan tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 yang berisi tentang tenses dan conjunction.


Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Arya Dwi Pramudita
NPM : 11115069
Kelas : 4KA23

1. James will send financial reports to his manager two hours later.
(James akan mengirimkan laporan keuangan ke manajernya dua jam kemudian)
Reason: this sentence was using present future tense ”will send” because of the adverb of time ”two hours later”.

2. Fisherman sails to catch fish everyday.
(Nelayan berlayar untuk menangkap ikan setiap hari)
Reason: this sentence was using simple present tense ”sails” because of the adverb of time ”everyday”.

3. Anne and Roy visited the shopping mall six hours ago.
(Anne dan Roy mengunjungi pusat perbelanjaan enam jam yang lalu)
Reason: this sentence was using simple past tense ”visited” because of the adverb of time ”six hours ago”.

4. They have went to Africa for six years.
(Mereka telah pergi ke Afrika selama enam tahun)
Reason: this sentence was using present perfect ”have went” because of the adverb of time ”for six years”.

5. Paula is printing her homework right now.
(Paula saat ini sedang mencetak pekerjaan rumahnya)
Reason: this sentence was using present continuous ”is printing” because of the adverb of time ”right now”.

6. Andri will wash his car when Patra and Fadli are returned from office.
(Andri akan mencuci mobilnya ketika Patra dan Fadli telah pulang dari kantor)
Reason: this sentence was using the conjunction ”when”, therefore the sentence after ”when” is using present tense passive and the main clause is using present future.

7. Hans was appointed as chairman since he had accomplished the business perfectly.
(Hans ditunjuk sebagai ketua sejak dia menyelesaikan bisnis secara sempurna)
Reason: this sentence was using the conjunction ”since”, therefore the sentence after ”since” is using past perfect and main clause of this sentence is using past tense.

8. Syahrul was studying when someone knocked the door.
(Syahrul sedang belajar ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu)
Reason: this sentence was using the conjunction ”when”, therefore the sentence after ”when” is using past tense and the main clause is using past continuous.
9. Eric broke his legs three years ago.
(Eric mematahkan kakinya tiga tahun yang lalu)
Reason: this sentence was using simple past tense ”broke” because of the adverb of time ”three years ago”.

10. Chandra writes the letter to his friend in the afternoon.
(Chandra menulis surat kepada temannya di sore hari)
Reason: this sentence was using simple present tense ”writes” because of the adverb of time ”in the afternoon”.
